The butcher asked for 40,000 to slaughter an animal worth 200,000

The clumsy butchers sharpened their knives, the sacrificial ones will go to their pockets

The clumsy butchers sharpened their knives, the sacrificial ones will go to their pockets

Lahore: It becomes difficult for those who sacrifice animals on Eid Qurban to get the services of expert butchers. Due to the lack of butchers, not only clumsy butchers have sharpened their knives, which will go on the pockets of the sacrificers as well as the animals on Eid.

Those who perform Sunnah Ibrahimi on Eid, especially those who sacrifice large animals, find it difficult to get the services of an expert butcher.

Wise citizens book a butcher several weeks before Eid, but since most citizens buy animals a few days before Eid and then look for a butcher, they do not get a specialist butcher and the rate is also increased.

Mohammad Bilal, a resident of Gulbarg, says he bought the animal two days before Eid, and now he is looking for a butcher. are asking for

Another citizen Ranambashir Hasan said that on the first day of Eid morning, butchers are not available to slaughter animals and make meat, they are asking for 35 to 40 thousand rupees. He said that he has bought 120,000 animals and is asking for 40,000 butchers.

The rate for slaughtering and preparing meat for a large animal on this Eid depends on the day and time, the rate for a large animal in the morning on the first day of Eid is 35 thousand rupees, after noon 30 thousand and 25 thousand rupees on the second day.

The rate of goat, umbrella sacrifice and meat preparation is 8 to 10 thousand rupees in the morning, 5 thousand rupees in the afternoon and 4 to 5 thousand rupees on the second and third day of Eid. Those who sell chicken and fish meat will now sacrifice animals for three days. Butchers take these people along as helpers.

A butcher Muhammad Sabar said that the impression that the butchers have increased the rates is not correct. Now, if 100,000 people want to sacrifice animals in Lahore, there will not be 100,000 butchers. We have kept a reasonable rate and those who have booked in advance will have their animals ready first.

He said that we have no patience here, everyone wants their animal to be sacrificed first. In the same cycle, they fall into the hands of clumsiers who spoil both the skin and the meat of the animal.

Citizens say that the government should fix official rates for small and large animal sacrifice and meat production so that citizens can avoid being hanged by clumsy butchers.

#butcher #asked #slaughter #animal #worth

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